sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015


Famous people


-Compare the verb To BE in the Present Simple and Past Simple

-Match the right forms

-Choose the right form

-Fill in the gaps

-Finally, complete the gaps

Is there an abbreviation for TO BE in the present?         And in the past?


-What were the ten most popular names for boys and girls in England in 2014?
Write them in your dossier.

-What do the following names mean? Do the exercise in your dossier.

-Try and find the translation for your name if it exists. 

-What's the meaning of your name? Look it up on Google (IN ENGLISH)

-Learn about Amy Winehouse and do the reading comprehension exercise. 
Then, arrange the facts in her life in chronological order.

-Choose either the first or second interview with celebrities and copy it with the missing forms of WAS or WERE in your dossier.

     WASN'T/ WEREN'T/ WAS ....? / WERE...? 
-What is the contract form for WAS NOT and WERE NOT?  Was there a contract form in the affirmative?

-Choose the correct form

- Rewrite the sentences

-Do you still remember the affirmative too?

- Practise the questions with WAS/WERE

-Arrange the words in these questions 

-Practise questions

-Short answers to questions with WAS/WERE 

-Has the interrogative of WAS7WERE contract forms?

-Revision of WAS/WERE 

 Was Were - To Be in the past tense

   -Play WAS/WERE game


    -Copy these questions and answers  in your dossier.
    How do you say "Hay un león en la clase?
    And "Hay dos calcetines sobre mi mesa"
    If you use THERE IS in the present, what do you use in the Past?
    If you use THERE ARE in the present, what do you use in the Past?
    How do you say "Había un fantasma en mi escuela el año pasado"
     and "Había algunas gallinas en el patio de la escuela ayer"

     -Complete the gaps

     -Fill in  the blanks.

     -THERE WAS/THERE WERE in affirmative, negative and interrogative.

     -Game: Study each picture at a time with your partner. Amplify each picture by clicking on it       twice. Then, switch off the screen of your computer and say out loud as many things as THERE WERE in the picture. Next, your partner does the same. The winner is the student who remembers most objects in the picture.
      Then, do the same with the following picture



viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015


Activities in and out of school

1-What after school activity is best for you? Take this quiz to know it.

2-Copy and translate the activities in your vocabulary section of the dossier with the help of an online dictionary. Next, finish the following sentences:

               - If you dislike bullies and need protection, you should take up.....
               -If you enjoy eating and knowing the food, you should take up...
                -If you like pottery and you have a creative personality, you should take up....
                -If you like sports and enjoy riding bikes and sports on wheels, you should take up....
                -If you think that dresses and accessories are important, you should take up...
                -If you think that words and convincing others is better than violence, you should take up...

3-After reading the offer of after school activities, name
        a) 2 activities which your present school has got
        b) 3 activities which are not interesting in your opinion.
        c)  3 activities which are interesting in your opinion.
       Do the exercise in your dossier and don't repeat the names of the interests.

4-Read carefully and identify. Do all the exercises.

5-School subjects

6-The contents of school subjects

7- SONG. Write in your dossier all the school subject that he mentions with their translation.
Is he a good student?
Is he a loving person?

8- Translate your school subjects into English in your dossier.


9-Read the text about school discipline in UK schools with the help of an online dictionary (or exceptionally a translator website)  write the difficult words in the vocabulary sections of your dossier. Then, do the online exercises.

Can and Must

10-CAN for ability, permission or request?

11-Do these activities about CAN

12-Can in questions

13-Can or can't?

14-What can they do?


16- Obligations with MUST

17-Must or mustn't?

18-Can, can't, must or mustn't?

19. Write 4 activities you can do at  home but not at school in your dossier.
     E.g.  I can go to the toilet at home when I want but I can't always go to the toilet at school.

      Write 4 obligations that can improve your life. E.g. I must be more patient with my sister.
      Write 4 prohibitions at home. E.g. I mustn't borrow money from my parents without their        

Food and drink

20-In your dossier copy the vocabulary of the tools we use to eat with or drink from.

21-At the café. Study this page  and do this exercise

22-English words for fast food. Study these words and do this exercise.

23-Study this vocabulary of drinks and do this exercise.

24-Breakfast vocabulary. Do the exercise

25-Fruit vocabularyDo the execise 

26- Fruit word search

27-Vegetables Do the exercise

28-Listening. Do the exercises about ordering at the fast food restaurant.

29-Listening. Pizza


30- Study the expressions of big quantity and do exercises 1,2,3

31- Do the exercise on much, many, a lot of, not any

32-Revise the use os much, many, a lot of . Listen to the explanations.

33-Exercises on adjectives of quantity

34- Similar exercise

35-Questions about quantity of countables and uncountables. How much. How many.

36- Some more expressions of quantity 

37-Quantity exercise with explanations

38-Quantity with A FEW for little quantity of countable nouns and A LITTLE when the noun is uncountable.

39-Indefinite pronouns: SOMETHING, ANYTHING...(referring to things)

40-Indefinite pronouns: SOMEBODY, ANYBODY... (referring to people) Do the first part of the exercise in your dossier.

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015



1-Match the animals to their pictures.

2-Some friendly animals. Listen and learn. Then listen and match

3-Do the matching exercise with sound and then, look for the correct writing of those animals in an online dictionary and write them together with their translation.

4-Similar to the previous exercise.

5-Same as before

6-Finally ...

7-Play hangman

8-Song. Before you listen to the song, you must look for the following words in an online dictionary.
      Write these words and their translation in the vocabulary section of your dossier.
9      How many animals were there inside the old lady's stomach when she died? Write them in your dosier.

10-Appearances and descriptions: What does she look like? Tick only the correct options.

11-This exercise is similar.

12-LOOK, SOUND, TASTE...+ LIKE a noun after that E.g. It looks like snow on a high mountain
  LOOK, SOUND, TASTE...+ adjective. E.g. She looks depressed
  SEEM can be before a noun or an adjective. E.g. He seems a boxer // E.g. He seems dangerous.
  Now, do this exercise.

13-Read and choose the right answer

14-What do animals eat?

15-Some animals. Listen

16-Game. Create a forest. Listen

17- Write 25 animals that have appeared up to now with their translation in your notebook.

Affirmative and Negative

-17-The present continuous is formed by  AM, IS, ARE and a gerund (verb in ING). Study how to form the gerund

18-Practise the gerund 

19-Affirmative forms

20-Present Continuous (progressive) exercises

21-Choose the right option

22-Still more practice

23- Negative practice

24-Still negative practice

25-Look for all the difficult vocabulary before doing the listening comprehension. I recommend using this
26-Write the the difficult dictionary in the coloured pages of your dossier.

27-Put on your headphones and listen

28-What are their favourite wild animals?  Listen twice.

Present Continuous. Questions

29-Arrange the following questions in order.

30-Questions exercise

31-Practise the questions.


Present Simple and Present Continuous

33-When to use them? 

34-Choose either the Present Simple or the Present Continuous

35-Present Simple or Present Continuous

36-Last exercise... 

27- Song: Tom's Diner. Fill in the gaps

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015


Seasons and months
1 Play hangman

2 Revise ordinal nombers with months and seasons

3 Identify the months and seasons

4 Classify the months according to the seasons in your dossier. E.g. Winter months are: December, January...

5 Ordinal numbers
In your dossier, pay attention to the ordinal numbers and translate:
-primero............................................ -segundo................................  -tercero.......................................
-A partir del cuarto, se coge el............................................ y se le añade...........
-Presentan pequeñas anomalías el quinto........................  -el duodécimo..............................
¿En qué consisten esas anomalías?
-También presenta alguna anomalía el octavo......................... ¿En qué consiste?
-¿Y en el noveno?..................................................................................................
-Las decenas se forman de una manera especial. Ej. el vigésimo........................., el trigésimo ..........................  ¿En qué consiste?
-Si hay decena y unidad sólo una de las dos se pone en ordinales. ¿Cuál?. Ej, el vigésimotercero................................, el trigésimoprimero..........................................
¿Cómo se abrevian los ordinales? ¿Cuál es el truco? Ej. el cuarto: 4th.
¿Cómo abreviarías? el duodécimo............, el séptimo,..................... el segundo..................................., el vigésimo tercero....... el decimotercero..........., el trigésimo primero........ el decimoquinto........
el noveno.....

6 Write cardinal and ordinal

7 Write in ordinals (full form)

8 Do exercise B in your dossier 

9 What's the right number abbreviation?

10 Try and express different dates.   After that, write in as many ways as possible 6 important historical dates (use the internet)   in your dossier and read them to your partner aloud. Winner is the student who finds the solution to the date in less time..
11 Write the dates.

12 Match the pronounced dates and the written ones.

13 In your dossier, write all the festivities in your school calendar including the Christmas festivities.
e.g. Saint George's Day; 23rd April 2016. You will find those special days in your class diary.


14 Read and answer about Bonfire Night  

15 Diwali, an Indian festival. Do the exercise.

16 Saint Patrick. Read the text and do the exercise.


Yes-No questions in the Present Simple
17 Make questions  arranging the words in the right order.

Wh questions in the Present Simple.

18. Study the theory of how to make questions in the Present Simple

19 Form the questions

20 Choose the correct interrogative pronoun

21 Questions with verbs with BE and the rest of verbs in Present

22 Questions as before

23 Revision exercises for Y/N and WH questions

Daily Routines

24 Daily activities exercise. Identify the actions.

25 Choose the correct activity.  Now, write 10 daily activities in your dossier in the right chronological order.

26 Which of these activities don't need water?  Then, do the following exercise.

27 Which of these daily activities don't you do. Just think of it.

28 Listen and copy in your dossier as many daily routines as the young lady says.

29. In your dossier, write the household chores and their translation.

30. In your dossier, copy the daily activities you do to burn 1,500 calories.

Adverbs of Frequency

31  Copy the frequency adverbs and their translation in your dossier

32 After doing the exercise, write in your dossier the list of frequency adverbs, their translation  and the place in the sentence  where you put the one-word frequency adverbs.

33 Place the frequency adverbs in the right place

34 Finally, this exercise.

 35-Play the game online and copy the vocabulary of verbs  in your dossier with their translation

36- Fill in the gaps and copy the vocabulary of verbs in your dossier with their translation

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015


Countries, nationalities and languages

1Where are these people from?

2Match countries and nationalities.

3Which is the correct nationality?

4Play the game

5Another game...

6Write the suitable nationality

7Country, nationality and language.

8 Try your general culture.

9How good is your geography?

10And now, do this exercise about countries and nationalities in your dossier.

11 Complete this chart in your dossier. 
Look for the information on the internet. For example, write "currencies of the world" on Google.
When you come to the situation, write the continent.
















Write the 15 countries and nationalities  of the previous exercise in your dossier dossier and pass it on to your classmate who will write the corresponding language, currency and situation.  The situation must be a more complete description. For example: This country is between Germany and Spain OR This country in the east end of Europe  OR This country is on the right of Austria .

Follow this example:  She is from Ireland. She is Irish. Her languages are Gaelic and English. Her currency is euro. Her country is an island in the Atlantic ocean, in the east of England.

Student A writes the underlined part as in the example. Student B writes the rest.


11Choose the right option after reading the text

Write ten makes of car and find out their nationality and country. Do this exercise in your dossier.
E.g. Volkswagen is German. It is from Germany.

12Reading exercise (Expand the screen)

Present Simple: affirmative and negative.

After doing the exercise, think: what do you add to the verb in the affirmative when  the subject is HE, SHE, IT or something equivalent?


Take notes of the new vocabulary in your dossier.

26 In your dossier, write 5 things you do every day and 5 things you don’t  (negatives and affirmatives) Choose among
e.g. I don’t send an email every day but I get up early every day.

27Listening. Listen to the daily activities and then copy questions and answers in your dossier from this link

to Elizabeth’s routine and name five things that both of them do. Then, write the things they both do like this:
e.g. Sarah listens to the radio and Elizabeth listens to the radio, TOO" and then like this "Both Sarah and Elizabeth listen to the radio". Do it in your dossier.

Present simple questions

31Form questions and  mixed forms.

39 Guided composition. Your routines. Write all sentences in your dossier and include them in your oral composition when you speak about your habits.

 Subject and object pronouns.


Do subject pronouns go before or after the verb? And object pronouns?
Write 2 examples of each

46Object pronouns. Do the exercise:

47 Replace both subject and object pronouns

48. Do this exercise about daily routines in your dossier. Link the activities with FIRSTLY, THEN, NEXT, LATER, AFTER THAT, AFTERWARDS,...FINALLY.

49. Do this exercise about Daily Routine  and express the time, too. Do it in your dossier
e.g. I get up at seven o'clock.

50. Do this crosswords in your dossier.

51.Complete the daily routines

52. Read and answer

53. Listen and answer these questions in your dossier.

54. Do this game