lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015


Seasons and months
1 Play hangman

2 Revise ordinal nombers with months and seasons

3 Identify the months and seasons

4 Classify the months according to the seasons in your dossier. E.g. Winter months are: December, January...

5 Ordinal numbers
In your dossier, pay attention to the ordinal numbers and translate:
-primero............................................ -segundo................................  -tercero.......................................
-A partir del cuarto, se coge el............................................ y se le añade...........
-Presentan pequeñas anomalías el quinto........................  -el duodécimo..............................
¿En qué consisten esas anomalías?
-También presenta alguna anomalía el octavo......................... ¿En qué consiste?
-¿Y en el noveno?..................................................................................................
-Las decenas se forman de una manera especial. Ej. el vigésimo........................., el trigésimo ..........................  ¿En qué consiste?
-Si hay decena y unidad sólo una de las dos se pone en ordinales. ¿Cuál?. Ej, el vigésimotercero................................, el trigésimoprimero..........................................
¿Cómo se abrevian los ordinales? ¿Cuál es el truco? Ej. el cuarto: 4th.
¿Cómo abreviarías? el duodécimo............, el séptimo,..................... el segundo..................................., el vigésimo tercero....... el decimotercero..........., el trigésimo primero........ el decimoquinto........
el noveno.....

6 Write cardinal and ordinal

7 Write in ordinals (full form)

8 Do exercise B in your dossier 

9 What's the right number abbreviation?

10 Try and express different dates.   After that, write in as many ways as possible 6 important historical dates (use the internet)   in your dossier and read them to your partner aloud. Winner is the student who finds the solution to the date in less time..
11 Write the dates.

12 Match the pronounced dates and the written ones.

13 In your dossier, write all the festivities in your school calendar including the Christmas festivities.
e.g. Saint George's Day; 23rd April 2016. You will find those special days in your class diary.


14 Read and answer about Bonfire Night  

15 Diwali, an Indian festival. Do the exercise.

16 Saint Patrick. Read the text and do the exercise.


Yes-No questions in the Present Simple
17 Make questions  arranging the words in the right order.

Wh questions in the Present Simple.

18. Study the theory of how to make questions in the Present Simple

19 Form the questions

20 Choose the correct interrogative pronoun

21 Questions with verbs with BE and the rest of verbs in Present

22 Questions as before

23 Revision exercises for Y/N and WH questions

Daily Routines

24 Daily activities exercise. Identify the actions.

25 Choose the correct activity.  Now, write 10 daily activities in your dossier in the right chronological order.

26 Which of these activities don't need water?  Then, do the following exercise.

27 Which of these daily activities don't you do. Just think of it.

28 Listen and copy in your dossier as many daily routines as the young lady says.

29. In your dossier, write the household chores and their translation.

30. In your dossier, copy the daily activities you do to burn 1,500 calories.

Adverbs of Frequency

31  Copy the frequency adverbs and their translation in your dossier

32 After doing the exercise, write in your dossier the list of frequency adverbs, their translation  and the place in the sentence  where you put the one-word frequency adverbs.

33 Place the frequency adverbs in the right place

34 Finally, this exercise.

 35-Play the game online and copy the vocabulary of verbs  in your dossier with their translation

36- Fill in the gaps and copy the vocabulary of verbs in your dossier with their translation

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